Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7th - It's getting to be that time

It is getting to be the time of year where things are getting put away one last time.  I can say that I have been bit by the "end of the year" bug and I am really looking forward to being done (I think the 2 mile long list of projects at the new house is calling my name).

To help myself and the students I made one of these for 5th and one for 6th.
It has been awesome for the students to really see how little time they have left (2 times with a few kids, 3 with the rest).  My 5th graders are ending the year with a perspective drawing project.  My 6th graders are ending the year with a genius hour project.  Both are going great!

Watercolors are being scrubbed up and put away!

Markers are soaking for liquid watercolors. 
(I send them back to Crayola when done)

Others are waiting their turn...

Displays are coming down so we can hand the artwork back.  

It is crazy to think that this time next week I will be prepping for our dirty wipe contest!

Now I just have to get ready to tackle this mess:


  1. I am an art teacher in the same boat!! I love your dirty wipe idea! I am trying to load one trash can per day and take home one bag of "stuff" every day, so it's not crazy that last day!

    1. that "crazy last day" is what I am trying to avoid also!
