Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Ramblings

I am up at school working away my Saturday morning... hoping that hubby and kiddos are cleaning the house :)  I don't usually do this but yesterday I was home all day with the kiddos for my P-T Conference "comp" day.  I was cleaning up my computer and found a few things I had planned to post so please ignore the rambling nature of this entry.

Worksheets... do you have your kiddos do very many?  I usually like to have them "creating" but sometimes worksheets are super important to learning a concept.  Here are a few of my recent ones... 
facial feature drawings credit goes to
I can't wait to post about the portrait lesson we are starting this next week.  The kids are choosing a portrait style from a deck of cards.  They then have to study that style and create their own image that reflects the style... just think I will have 18 different styles/mediums going at one time (I think I might be crazy!)

Student creativity... a student had this cute headband on that she made herself out of a chip bag.  And yes she wore it this way all day!

Other artwork... I am the only art teacher in my building but I love walking around and see what all the other teacher are doing that is fun and creative.  This is just a SMALL sampling of what you can see walking around our building.  I love that the other teachers are afraid to let the kiddos draw and create!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend and staying warm... it is a chilly 10 here in Norfolk and a balmy 64 in my room (they turn all our heat down on the weekends to save money).  Speaking of temperatures, my kiddos are always asking how hot the kiln gets.  Here is a picture of the "red-hot" glow of the kiln as seen through the vent hole... not that exciting but it will help them understand how hot it gets.


  1. Are you wiling to share your worksheets?

    1. I will have to see if I still have them. We became a google school a few years ago and these were pre-google sheets.
