Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Georgia O'Keeffe X 4

In my continuing attempt to have different projects result from teaching the same lesson, I bring you Georgia O'Keeffe 4 different ways.  I introduced the lesson the same way all 4 days.  I simply changed the subject and medium every day.  We really focused on the ways Georgia abstracted her images (by zooming in on the subject matter and drawing all the little details or by drawing the objects as shapes).  The students were to focus on filling up the page and blending lots of colors together.

Day One = Georgia O'Keeffe Inspired Flowers with Chalk Pastel

Day Two = Georgia O'Keeffe Inspired Bones with Chalk Pastel

Day Three = Georgia O'Keeffe Inspired Bones with Oil Pastel

Day Four = Georgia O'Keeffe Inspired Flowers with Oil Pastel
The students selected their color schemes but we talked about mixing colors and how mixing among color families is better than mixing across the color wheel.  

I love that we have 4 different looking project with one lesson.  This week we are working on Wayne Thiebaud inspired images (I love drawing peeps... and eating peeps).  The classes who used oil pastel last week are using chalk pastel this week and vice versa.  I will post them when they are done.  


  1. your blog is very interesting!! I’ll follow your work and your great ideas!

  2. A great post on an amazing artist.
    I like how you divided the lesson in four days exposing different aspects of the artist work.
