Did you know that cups of markers = liquid watercolors...
Every year I have had those "nasty, old, worn out" crayola markers that have "seen better days." This year I decided to give them new life. (disclaimer...I had read a few blogs about it and decided to give it a try)
WOW... talk about stretching your budget dollar.
I started a "nasty, old and worn out" box for markers after Christmas.
By now I had collected a handful of each color. I started soaking them last week, by color groups. After 3 soaks (coffee cups about 1/2 full of water) I had some great colors. I am storing them in these squeeze bottles I have had setting around.
I think I could have soaked them one more time as there was still some color left in the marker tips.
But I am ready to have all my "stuff" cleaned up.
I make my own wipes using 1/2 a paper towel roll (cut in half) stuck into a Folgers coffee can of water and "all natural" cleaner. Each student pulls out a wipe and every class has a place to clean... one class is equipment (scissors, rulers, markers,etc), one class is walls, one class is tables, one class is chairs, etc... Students turn in their dirty wipes for a jolly rancher.
They love the candy, I love my sparkling walls and clean supplies.
This was "inside the desks"...so gross! |